Where are you located?

Alexander Mental Health Services is located at 36 South Pitt Street, Carlisle, PA 17013. South Pitt Street is between Pomfret Street and High Street. The holistic health center Simply Well is our neighboring business and we share our building with Athena Warrior Fitness. You can see for this business easily from the street. You will see signs for Alexander Mental Health Services upon entering the building.

This is a picture of the building from 2014. Please note that Stacked and Harmony Society are no longer located in the building. Instead you will see a big sign for Athena Warrior Fitness.

This is a picture of the building from 2014. Please note that Stacked and Harmony Society are no longer located in the building. Instead you will see a big sign for Athena Warrior Fitness.

What about parking?

Downtown Carlisle has lots of parking options for you. Besides basic metered street parking you can also park in the Pomfret Street Parking Garage or in the metered parking lot located off of Pomfret Street. Alexander Mental Health Services in short walking distance from either of these options. Check out this link for more information about parking in downtown Carlisle.


What's with the three ears?

When Sarah Taby was in graduate school her professors emphasized the importance of not just hearing what a client was saying but to also listen with a third ear to what a client was not saying. This image of a third ear sparked Sarah's imagination and when she opened Alexander Mental Health Services she knew immediately what would be her logo, three simple ears. The logo for Alexander Mental Health Services was created by the very talented artist, Aron Rook

What can I expect from the counseling experience?

By reading through the Informed Consent for Psychotherapy form provided below you will get a good sense of the counseling process. If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact Alexander Mental Health Services with your directly.